Do you know about the Fisker Karma and the Porsche Panamera Hybrid? If you don't, this is your chance to find out.
The Fisker Karma was revealed and 1st seen at the Detroit International Auto Show. Company founder Henrik Fisker promised deliveries of his new hybrid sedan by winter 2009. This car will cost $80,000 US, will have a 0-60 mph acceleration of 6 seconds, a top speed of 125 mph and will use a small engine together combined with the vehicle's electric power system.
You might have already heard of Porsche's new hybrid. If you have, why not read about it again on toofastcv?!
A 30% fuel economy high end Porsche Panamera Hybrid isn't so bad. Actually pretty good to be competing with the Aston Martin Rapide. While regular Panameras will be V8 powered, this new hybrid version will have a V6 290 bhp engine combined with a 34-KW electric motor generation that pumps 210 lb-ft of torque.
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Fisker Karma

Porsche Panamera Hybrid

*Special* Original Porsche Panamera

The Fisker Karma was revealed and 1st seen at the Detroit International Auto Show. Company founder Henrik Fisker promised deliveries of his new hybrid sedan by winter 2009. This car will cost $80,000 US, will have a 0-60 mph acceleration of 6 seconds, a top speed of 125 mph and will use a small engine together combined with the vehicle's electric power system.
You might have already heard of Porsche's new hybrid. If you have, why not read about it again on toofastcv?!
A 30% fuel economy high end Porsche Panamera Hybrid isn't so bad. Actually pretty good to be competing with the Aston Martin Rapide. While regular Panameras will be V8 powered, this new hybrid version will have a V6 290 bhp engine combined with a 34-KW electric motor generation that pumps 210 lb-ft of torque.
Photo Gallery
Fisker Karma

Porsche Panamera Hybrid

*Special* Original Porsche Panamera