Hello toofastcv viewers, have you ever wanted to put your car on the internet because it is cool but you just don't know how? Well, this is your lucky day! Here on toofastcv, we are having a contest. Here is how it works:
If you have a cool car, all you need to do is send a picture of it and its characteristics to the following email address: toofast2010@hotmail.com
The toofastcv crew will be the judges on which car is the coolest. The winner of this contest gets to have their car on the internet, AKA toofastcv!!!
But of course, there are some rules:
when you send the picture, try to have proof that the picture of the car is yours and not just a picture of a super cool car on google images. If that is the case, you will be eliminated. Here ae the characteristics of the car that you should put on the email:
name of owner
name of car
year of car
speed of car
engine of car
horsepower of car
So remember, send the email to toofast2010@hotmail.com and we will see who is the winner!!!
contest ends in 2 weeks.
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